There's often no better way to show what you care about or what you believe in than to wear it.
Librariness A brilliant project from New York City making sure libraries are at the heart of our civic lives.
CycleHack Get together as a group to make your neighbourhoods more cycle friendly for everyone.
Tech for good Who are the people, projects, communities and industries that use technology to create social change? Tech For Good tells stories through film, writing and podcasts. You can also sign up to one of their meet-ups.
Dearest Scotland Write a letter Dearest Scotland or set up your own "Dearest" letter writing, to get everyone involved in imagining what your neighbourhood / City can be like in the future.
Hub Birmingham What does one of the most effervescent and dynamic teams we've ever met, use as slogans to keep them going?
Supporters Scarves Who wants to support a football team when you can support the National Health Service?
OpenDesk Design your own furniture, share your designs with the community and work with local digital makers in your area.
Futuregov Militant Optimist is now an infamous phase across Local Government thanks to FutureGov!
Civic Badges What does it mean to be "civic" ? We designed these badges to provoke that conversation.