These are initiatives or programmes of work that we want to give support to and champion. This might be just by making more people aware of them and in some cases it might be by donating to them (money, time or data).
Civic Service
Civic Service is an initiative to explore how public services in New York City can be improved and we love their #civicdesign work.
WES A brilliant example of how civic information and knowledge was put in place for women after the War. We've resurrected these tea towels and the profits from sales go straight to the Women In Engineering Society.
Designed to scale
Commons Transition If you want to learn more about the "commons" and support it as an approach for the future, then read this.
Tech For Good
Who are the people, projects, communities and industries that use technology to create social change? Tech For Good tells stories through film, writing and podcasts. You can also sign up to one of their meetups.
The Alternet We love Sarah Gold's work and the way she is making sure people are more and more aware of the hidden aspects, or less understood aspects, of technology.
Citizens Advice Citizens Advice is a brilliant National service with expert and much needed content. We are looking for ways to get it out in to the world for them by experimenting with different products and materials.